Fiiish Hypno Cast Jigs are a metal jig but as you may the Fiiish team have given it a unique twist with a centrally mounted hook.
The Fiiish Hypno Cast Jigs are super strong lures with an all through stainless steel frame from eye to hook.
The single assist style hook is centrally located and this helps to reduce tangles whilst casting and also helps to cut the risk of snagging. The central location gives good hook ups and makes it harder for the fish to use the weight of the lure to throw the hook.
Fiish have crafted the Fiiish Hypno Cast Jigs so that they start to work from the moment they hit the water surface. They feature a rolling and flashing action on the drop, making a sink and draw retrieve the natural way to fish them and allowing the lure to tumble back through the water column with maximum appeal on the drop.
The VMC Single hook also a feather mounted to further boost the attraction.